Ein hugskotsskjátta við íblástri til tilkøk kann lesast við at klikkja her. Hugskotsskjáttan er býtt upp í ymisk átøk, ið eru hóskandi til ymiskar aldursbólkar, stovnar, arbeiðspláss, felagsskapir, og børn og ung.
Fjølmentanarbindiklubbur verður í Virkishúsinum við ánna mánadagin 23. oktober frá kl. 19.00 til 22.00. Endamálið er at koma saman, læra um føroysku bindiklubbamentanina og bindihátt, samstundis sum lært verður um aðrar mentanir. Hetta er ein góður møguleiki at koma hvørjum øðrum við. Tey ungu í virkishúsinum bjóða kaffi/te, kaku og frukt.
Mikukvøldið 25. oktober kl. 18.00 til 20.00 verður samanskots fjølmentanarmatveitsla í Listastovuni. Her verður møguligt at smakka ymiskan mat úr nógvum ymiskum londum umboðandi allar heimspartarnar. Matur verður úr Meksiko, Peru, USA, Íslandi, Kýpros, Iran, Onglandi, Kenya, Filipinunum, Avstralia og Skotlandi. DJ Lisan Al Gaib diskar við kendum løgum úr øllum heiminum.
Fríggjakvøldið 27. oktober verður PubQuiz á Fiskastykkinum. Vanessa Farmery verður quizmaster og Efraim Lőrincz fer at seta dám á við tónleiki ímillum umførini. Hvørt umfar hevur 10 spurningar sum vera føroysk og altjóða almenn vitan, myndir og ljóðspurningar. Tað kunnu í mesta lagi vera 5 í hvørjum bólki, og hvør bólkur skal í minsta lagi hava ein føroying ella ein útlendskan tilflytara í bólkinum. Tað er ókeypis at luttaka í pubquiz, men møguligt verður at keypa sær okkurt úr kaféini.
Taki ein vin, onkran í familjuni ella ein arbeiðskollega við ein túr út til tey ymisku tiltøkini. Skráin fyri tiltøk runt um í Føroyum hesa fjølmentanarvikuna kann síggjast her
Multicultural Week on Vágar
Multicultural Week will be held around the country from Friday, 20 October to Friday, 27 October. Vága Municipality is participating with a few events during the week. Multicultural Week is about celebrating, embracing, and raising awareness about this cultural diversity in our community. We hope many people will join in the celebration and be actively involved in raising cultural awareness.
The Integration Office and Tórshavn Municipality have created an idea box on how you, schools, workplaces, sports associations, and other associations can actively participate in the week. The idea box can be found by clicking here.
Monday, October 23rd,
Virkishúsið við ánna in Sandavágur will host a traditional knitting club, where it's possible to learn about the culture of knitting clubs and the Faroese way of knitting. Hopefully, you can also teach us about your culture, how or if you knit, and so on.
The event starts at 7 pm until 10 pm and it's free. The youths will offer coffee/tea, cake, and fruit.
Wednesday, October 25th
In Listastovan in Miðvágur, there will be a buffet with food from different countries represented from all 7 continents. This year, the countries represented are Mexico, England, Iceland, Cyprus, Iran, the Philippines, Peru, the USA, Scotland, Kenya, and Australia.
DJ Lisan Al Gaib will set the mood with world music. The event is on Wednesday from 6 pm until 8 pm, and it's free. Bring a friend, family, or someone from work.
Friday, October 27th
Friday night, there will be a pub quiz in the café Fiskastykkið in Sandavágur. There will be four rounds of 10 questions per round. There can be a maximum of 5 people in each team, and all teams need to have at least one Faroese or non-Faroese team member. Vanessa Farmery will be the quiz master, and Efraim Lőrincz is going to set the mood with some chilled music.
The quiz will start at 8 pm until 10 pm. The event is free, but the café will be open for coffee/tea, drinks and cakes for purchase.
We would like to see how you celebrate Multicultural Week, so please share your photos with us by using the hashtag #fjølmentanføroyar.
We hope that you will join the events arranged locally and around the islands. The full program for the Multicultural Week can be found here
Vinarliga broyt tínar kennifíla - og privatlívsstillingar fyri at síggja hetta innihald