
Integration for all citizens


2020-11-05 13:00 Author image
Tóri Nielsen

A diverse and well-integrated municipality iskey for a successful community. Diversity comes in many shapes and forms.Framtíðarlistin - ein nýggj byrjan! is also diverse. It???sa list of 15 people with different social, educational and professional backgrounds.However, for this forthcoming election on November 10th we all have a commongoal. We want to build a community for all. A community that is diverse, wherenewcomers, both new and old, foreign and Faroese, will feel welcome and included.A community where everyone is seen, heard and respected.

It is a major responsibility, for thoseelected, to ensure good integration, where all newcomers have full access tosocial and education services that can help everyone feel that they belong andhave the possibility to become an active member of the community. 

Framtíðarlistin - ein nýggj byrjan, roughly translatedinto ???the next generation - a new beginning??? wantsto ensure that there always are available building grounds for housing, greenurban development, diverse opportunities for business, a vibrant culturalscene, quality day-care and kindergartens, modern sport and recreationfacilities, safe and efficient transport.

We also want to ensure that all newcomers toour municipality get access to information and guidance on how they can getsettled in the best and most convenient way. As soon as a newcomer ???checks-in???at the council office, they shall receive a welcomecare-package and offered the opportunity to learn Faroese and Faroese culture,both children and adults if needed. There shall be the possibility to get atranslator when dealing with officials, such as the Council, Day-care, school,family guidance and any other situation where it is important to fully understandwhat is being said. If possible, the translator should be able to translate tothe new-comer???s native language.

The council should have a contact person fornewcomers. A person with good language skills and knowledge about the Faroeseintegration policy. This should be a kind of a buddy system to help newcomerswith social integration, arranging events and initiatives. Newcomers shouldalso have the opportunity to show what they can offer the community.

X by Framtíðarlistin - a new beginning!

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