Funnel boats are rare at the north choast of Iceland, But a long-line system with a beiting funnel was placed in Ragga Gísla SI for almost a year and has proven successful for non slight initial difficulty, says Ragnar Ragnarsson, skipper of Ragga Gísla SI, in a conversation with Fiskifréttir. Ragnar says long-line system is of the type Oilwind and functions similar as line baiting machines and he believes that the future lies in such equipment. "In my opinion, should all small boats to get that kind of equipment and stop the struggl that involves bait on hooks on shore. I feel miserable watching people still stand by the cask and refuse to engage in self-development that facilitates the entire work. Additionally it's hard to get people in the application. "Offshore line lies ready in the tray. She is placed through a funnel. When the line is drawn, it is put through a stripper and into the card where the hooks fall behind the casing where the brush cleans strategically and the hooks goes to magasine??????. I have a bait cutter on board and cuts the bait on the way out and put it into the funnel and the hooks grab it there. I mainly use saury and crabs as bait and defrost it just once so it is fresh in the sea. Racks is shuffled in the land and because of that I keep 15% of longline discount,??? said Ragnar. Variations of Longline system from Oilwind in the Faroe Islands consist of baiting funnel, line hauling with strippers, shuffle, rack systems and bait cutter. System is available in different versions for boats that are 5 to 40 meters in length. Dealership, long-line system in this country is Járnsmíði Sf. in Hafnarfjörður but the long line system was installed in Ragga Gísla SI by JE workshop in Siglufjörður, it is a very good quality and good work, says the skipper.
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