Í røðu síni vísti løgmaður m.a. á, at vit mugu verða burðardygg um vit skulu vaksa, og legði dent á, at Atlantic Fair er ein drívmegi í hesari tilgongd. Bæði við at vísa fram nýggja og grøna tøkni, men eisini við at knýta sambond millum týdningarmiklar partar í Norðuratlantshavi.
Røðan hjá løgmanni kann lesast niðanfyri:
Røða løgmans á Atlantic Fair 2022
Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to Klaksvík. The fisheries capital of the Faroe Islands.
The sea has sustained the Faroese way of life for a millennium.
The Faroese industrial revolution took off in the late 19th century.
It did not begin in the coal mines or industrial cities as it had done in our neighbouring countries.
It all started on the sea.
Klaksvík was at the heart of this revolution.
Its people were its driving force as they still are.
The Faroe Islands are now among the most advanced fisheries economies in the world.
The health of our nation still depends on the sea.
Therefore, we always want to make sure that marine resources are used to create lasting value for our people.
But we must create value without damaging the ability for future generations to do so.
This is our top priority.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Adapting to the need for sustainable growth in the maritime industries is crucial for the people of this region.
Therefore, I launched the Forum for Sustainable Growth, which has now been at work for more than a year.
The mandate of the forum is simple:
Find sustainable ways to preserve and develop Faroese welfare and way of life.
The definition of growth must require that unless it is sustainable, it should notbe considered growth at all.
I am convinced, as is the Faroese business community that growth can happen and should happen despite aiming for a greener future.
Among the focus areas of the Forum for Sustainable Growth are marine resources and marine services.
The Forum has formulated numerous proposals for sustainable growth within different areas.
The Faroe Islands is among the top food producers and exporters in the world.
However, we need more food research and more value-added food products.
We need a greater focus on fish processing methods and research into fish stocks.
We also need to develop new, more productive, and sustainable methods of aquaculture.
We need to develop more sustainable tourism and we need to look at growth opportunities within information technology, green technology, and maritime services.
Atlantic Fair is an important part in this development. Because it can showcase the necessary technology.
And because it can bring together businesses and decision makers.
Ladies and gentlemen.
The participants in this event over the years are proof that innovation and adaptability go hand in hand.
The Atlantic Fair highlights the maritime industry on an international level.
It connects partners in the North Atlantic and beyond.
Partners that would otherwise not know of each other.
It supports the foundations for further growth in industries that are the main source of income for our country.
The success of the Atlantic Fair can be seen in the diversity of its participants.
I am told that 191 companies from 17 countries participate this year, which makes this year’s exhibition the largest ever.
With these words, I declare the Atlantic Fair open.
Thank you!
Bárður á Steig Nielsen
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