Tað verður fitt av vindi alla vikuna


2013-11-18 19:45 Author image
Jóanis Nielsen

 Tað verður fitt av vindi alla hesa vikuna og langt inn í komandi viku við, vindferðin fer at liggja um 12-18m/sek. ??ttin verður mest norðan, men hósdagin og fríggjadagin verður ættin útsynningur og vestan. Hitin fer millum 3 og 6 stig, tó verður frost mikudagin.

Long term forecast
Tuesday19 November12???18Wednesday20 November12???18Thursday21 November12???18Friday22 November12???18Saturday23 November12???18Sunday24 November12???18Monday25 November12???18Tuesday26 November12???18Wednesday27 November12???18
Heavy rainPartly cloudyRainSleet showersPartly cloudyCloudyCloudyCloudyCloudy
5.8 mm0.4 mm1.1 mm0.6 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0.4 mm0 mm0.2 mm
Strong breeze, 12 m/s from southwestStrong breeze, 14 m/s from northFresh breeze, 10 m/s from south-southwestNear gale, 15 m/s from west-northwestNear gale, 17 m/s from north-northwestFresh breeze, 10 m/s from northLight air, 2 m/s from southeastLight breeze, 3 m/s from northwestGentle breeze, 4 m/s from east-northeast
Detailed long term forecast
Tuesday19/11/201300:00???06:00Snow showers. For the period: 00:00???06:00-1°0.6 mmFresh breeze, 10 m/s from north-northwestFresh breeze, 10 m/s from north-northwest
06:00???12:00Rain. For the period: 06:00???12:000.9 mmFresh breeze, 9 m/s from westFresh breeze, 9 m/s from west
12:00???18:00Heavy rain. For the period: 12:00???18:005.8 mmStrong breeze, 12 m/s from southwestStrong breeze, 12 m/s from southwest
18:00???00:00Rain showers. For the period: 18:00???00:001.2 mmStrong breeze, 12 m/s from northwestStrong breeze, 12 m/s from northwest
Wednesday20/11/201300:00???06:00Partly cloudy. For the period: 00:00???06:000.4 mmNear gale, 18 m/s from northNear gale, 18 m/s from north
06:00???12:00Fair. For the period: 06:00???12:000.1 mmGale, 20 m/s from northGale, 20 m/s from north
12:00???18:00Partly cloudy. For the period: 12:00???18:000.4 mmStrong breeze, 14 m/s from northStrong breeze, 14 m/s from north
18:00???00:00Cloudy. For the period: 18:00???00:00-1°0.1 mmFresh breeze, 10 m/s from northFresh breeze, 10 m/s from north
Thursday21/11/201300:00???06:00Cloudy. For the period: 00:00???06:000 mmModerate breeze, 8 m/s from north-northwestModerate breeze, 8 m/s from north-northwest
06:00???12:00Cloudy. For the period: 06:00???12:000.1 mmGentle breeze, 5 m/s from west-northwestGentle breeze, 5 m/s from west-northwest
12:00???18:00Rain. For the period: 12:00???18:001.1 mmFresh breeze, 10 m/s from south-southwestFresh breeze, 10 m/s from south-southwest
18:00???00:00Cloudy. For the period: 18:00???00:000.3 mmStrong breeze, 12 m/s from west-southwestStrong breeze, 12 m/s from west-southwest
Friday22/11/201300:00???06:00Rain. For the period: 00:00???06:000.4 mmStrong breeze, 14 m/s from west-southwestStrong breeze, 14 m/s from west-southwest
06:00???12:00Cloudy. For the period: 06:00???12:000.2 mmNear gale, 15 m/s from westNear gale, 15 m/s from west
12:00???18:00Sleet showers. For the period: 12:00???18:000.6 mmNear gale, 15 m/s from west-northwestNear gale, 15 m/s from west-northwest
18:00???00:00Snow. For the period: 18:00???00:001.4 mmStrong breeze, 12 m/s from west-northwestStrong breeze, 12 m/s from west-northwest
Saturday23/11/201300:00???06:00Sleet showers. For the period: 00:00???06:000.4 mmNear gale, 15 m/s from northwestNear gale, 15 m/s from northwest
06:00???12:00Partly cloudy. For the period: 06:00???12:000.4 mmGale, 20 m/s from northwestGale, 20 m/s from northwest
12:00???18:00Partly cloudy. For the period: 12:00???18:000.1 mmNear gale, 17 m/s from north-northwestNear gale, 17 m/s from north-northwest
18:00???00:00Cloudy. For the period: 18:00???00:000 mmNear gale, 16 m/s from north-northwestNear gale, 16 m/s from north-northwest
Sunday24/11/201300:00???06:00Cloudy. For the period: 00:00???06:000 mmNear gale, 15 m/s from north-northwestNear gale, 15 m/s from north-northwest
06:00???12:00Cloudy. For the period: 06:00???12:000 mmStrong breeze, 12 m/s from north-northwestStrong breeze, 12 m/s from north-northwest
12:00???18:00Cloudy. For the period: 12:00???18:000.2 mmFresh breeze, 10 m/s from northFresh breeze, 10 m/s from north
18:00???00:00Sleet. For the period: 18:00???00:000.6 mmModerate breeze, 8 m/s from north-northwestModerate breeze, 8 m/s from north-northwest
Monday25/11/201300:00???06:00Cloudy. For the period: 00:00???06:000 mmLight breeze, 3 m/s from north-northeastLight breeze, 3 m/s from north-northeast
06:00???12:00Cloudy. For the period: 06:00???12:000 mmGentle breeze, 4 m/s from northeastGentle breeze, 4 m/s from northeast
12:00???18:00Cloudy. For the period: 12:00???18:000.4 mmLight air, 2 m/s from southeastLight air, 2 m/s from southeast
18:00???00:00Rain. For the period: 18:00???00:000.5 mmLight breeze, 3 m/s from westLight breeze, 3 m/s from west
Tuesday26/11/201300:00???06:00Fair. For the period: 00:00???06:000 mmGentle breeze, 5 m/s from west-northwestGentle breeze, 5 m/s from west-northwest
06:00???12:00Fair. For the period: 06:00???12:000 mmGentle breeze, 5 m/s from northwestGentle breeze, 5 m/s from northwest
12:00???18:00Cloudy. For the period: 12:00???18:000 mmLight breeze, 3 m/s from northwestLight breeze, 3 m/s from northwest
18:00???00:00Cloudy. For the period: 18:00???00:000.1 mmLight breeze, 3 m/s from northLight breeze, 3 m/s from north
Wednesday27/11/201300:00???06:00Rain. For the period: 00:00???06:000.9 mmLight breeze, 3 m/s from northLight breeze, 3 m/s from north
06:00???12:00Cloudy. For the period: 06:00???12:000.1 mmLight breeze, 3 m/s from northeastLight breeze, 3 m/s from northeast
12:00???18:00Cloudy. For the period: 12:00???18:000.2 mmGentle breeze, 4 m/s from east-northeastGentle breeze, 4 m/s from east-northeast
18:00???00:00Partly cloudy. For the period: 18:00???00:000 mmModerate breeze, 6 m/s from east-northeastModerate breeze, 6 m/s from east-northeast

The meteorologist???s forecast (in Norwegian)


Færøybankene Vestlig eller nordlig liten kuling 12, fra i kveld nordlig kortvarig stiv kuling 15. Sluddbyger med dårlig sikt. Fra tirsdag ettermiddag sørvest liten eller stiv kuling 15, om kvelden dreiende vestlig og økning til sterk kuling 20. Sent om kvelden nordvest sterk kuling 20 i vestlige del, ellers vestlig liten kuling 12. Regn med dårlig sikt.

Vinarliga broyt tínar kennifíla - og privatlívsstillingar fyri at síggja hetta innihald
