Grind: Sorry, Im Faroese...


2014-09-04 00:30 Author image
Jóanis Albert Nielsen

Hetta er grein, sum Josefina Smith, Korsør, Danmark, hevur skriva. Her á enskum, fyri at síggja donsku greinina trýst her.

Upset Danes ask me about whaling. I am a disgrace to their nation because I kill whales ... it does not look nice to house these barbarians under the common throne. Everything should look pretty to the world, so it is unfortunate that the Faroese people cannot stay away from the whales or at least build a few slaughterhouses along the beaches where it all could be hidden away and nobody saw the blood The whale meat could then come out in small, fine packages, like Danish pork and chicken - directly into the freezer. It would look so pretty.

Whaling is frequently "today's theme." One is appalled at having to listen to opinions from people outside before they properly try to get some knowledge Faroese whaling. They brainwash the outside world into thinking that we kill an endangered species, and thus we get a bad reputation.

It is a repetition of Brigitte Bardot and the image of the baby seal! In a desperate attempt to get into the media spotlight again after the beauty was faded and did not sell itself, she put up as the seals??? savior and helped to destroy an indigenous people???s means of livelihood. Without thinking that indigenous people for thousands of years build up their nutritional needs, according to what their exact nature brings them of food. What do Brigitte Bardot and other media celebrities such as wealthy pop musicians know about indigenous people???s foods? They make "some" environmental case their touchstone to win world sympathy, so the focus is removed from superficiality. Several of them have no idea what they "Support" and do more harm than good.

If an indigenous people's usual diet is suddenly replaced by foreign food, foreign substances, they become sick. Bananas and cabbage is certainly healthy - when it is sprayed with poison - but it has never grown or been harvested in neither Greenland nor the Faroe Islands. People eat oranges and lettuce in France. If it was taken from them and they were forced to eat raw Seal liver instead, THEY would be ill because their system is not tuned to that kind of nutrition. It is that simple.

People talk about whale hunting - the hunt for whales. This is not about hunting. It is called whaling. The Faroese are not out on the big ocean to hunt whale herds to dry land. Some large whales seek even closer to land on their own. Well-meaning environmentalists in the United States have tried to drive stranded whales out to sea again. They have kept them alive when by irrigating them with water off the beach and tried to drag them out with chains and giant cranes. Nationwide media coverage! When it fails, and the whales have to be killed, people's feelings get out of control, and it overshadows everything else, such as stories about natural disasters, violence and murder against people, of abused children, the insane religious fanatics??? misdeeds. Emotions run free in the holy name of double morality. The whales have had a reason to look towards the shore - even in the Vejle fjord in Denmark in 2010! The poor whale was not let to die in peace.

The Faroese are sovereignly the best in the world to handle pilot whale catch. They have centuries of experience. The catch is so controlled that each whale is counted and registered since the 16th century. There are no hunters in the world, in whatever form of hunting that can provide such registration.

Paul Watson is a liar when he tells the outside world that the whales suffer a cruel and painful death and that we are bloodthirsty barbarians. It is simply impossible to catch whales with a fishing rod and put them up on a cutting board and manage them a'la French Steak. It is clear that the ocean colors red with blood ??? they???re large animals. Watson's concern for the whales, which according to him jerk of pain, is unfounded. The rooster also runs around headless, and sheep are kicking on after slaughter. The larger animals??? reflexes seem more violent, self-explanatory.

We grew up with pilot whaling, just as we as children watched as the sheep were slaughtered and the birds had their neck broken. You cannot be soft minded when you grow up in a harsh nature. In Denmark and other countries the kids hardly know where the red hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken thighs are coming from. It all comes from dead animals - hopefully not self-dead - added a bit of everything and a splash of color that makes it all look pretty. What kind of life have these animals lived before they were slaughtered and prepared for the freezer in the super-market? Not as good a life as our birds, fish, sheep and whales.

Should we fail to slaughter animals, because they look cute, or because they have intelligence? The pig is said to be one of the world's most intelligent animals. Which creature cries more than a stressed pig - and how much suffering does a breeding sow not get from its bedsores, when it can no longer rise from its couch, sometimes not even move - but despite all this it better breed! Why do people eat venison without lamenting the adorable doe eyes - or a tiny lamb? Or cute little chickens that are not stunted or crippled by the growth hormones in the chicken cage in their miserable, fortunately for them, short life. And trucks with young calves are transported live, crammed together under the pure stress torture all the way from Denmark to Holland to satisfy consumers' on airs. And horse transports as well, where you don???t find it necessary to give these poor animals a sip of water - they are going to die soon anyway and time is money, so why spend time on nonsense humanism underway. Talk about cruelty to the limit! Then you have to put up with letters from Danes and tourists in Holland recently asking about what kind of a strange country, they are in Realm with where you kill whales. Yes, imagine those poor tourists are ashamed of the Faroese whaling - "it's primitive and has no place in the year 2010 and it's not food, it is about, they can just buy what they need".

Paul Watson's intentions are not well-meant. It is a media show. One of his ships was purchased in Norway through an intermediary, and Norwegians resented deeply, when they learned what it was intended for. Such activists incite "easy targets" which appeal to feelings rather than to reason and enlightenment. On the Internet, the public is able to vote for and against whaling. The "easy victims" - tick "should be forbidden." This percentage states out from some pictures of a lot of blood, that the Faroese should now live without whale meat. There are hardly any of those people who know that a few decades ago the Faroe Islands was number two worldwide with the most nutrient-rich diet. Yes, that is namely diet and nutrition we are talking about here. Strangers want to manage our diets.

One wonders what we want with whale meat in 2010, when "civilization" has brought us pizzas, pork chops and red sausages. The supermarkets??? freezers are bursting with "civilized food" of indeterminate origin, and pumped full of we-don???t-know-what, and neatly wrapped in plastic so it does not pollute. How "fine" is it to eat Foie Gras with silver cutlery and pointy little fingers when you consider the genesis of the diet just eaten? I wish you would get it turned in your throat just like the poor animals do it! To prohibit the Faroese to eat whale meat would a few decades ago be similar to taking the rice from the Chinese, the fruit from the southern population and the vegetables from the Danes. As late as the 1960s we got our regular flight connection with the world. We who prefer the original food rather than the junk that has since flooded the islands, are thus in some cases still alive! But the incidences of serious diseases have accelerated in the Faroe Islands for the last decades, mostly due to foreign and improper nutrition.

No, the Faroese are not barbarians. Our animals live freely and without stress. The Danes and other nationalities are by contrast barbarians when it comes to treatment of animals. The treatment that you expose your animals to - exclusively for commercial purposes - is barbaric cruelty. It is tragic to see how these animals live before slaughter, where it is just quantity and not quality that counts. We do not kill whales for fun and never for commercial purposes.

Flocks that come along our fjords have always been regarded as God's gift to our people, as a welcome and necessary complement to the food, as the mountains and the sea incidentally gave. The whale blubber (polyunsaturated fat) was the Faroese children???s most important vitamin source for generations. We got the number of slices bacon, similar to our age, 5 years = 5 slices on a piece of rye bread. The tradition of distributing profits from whaling for free to every household in the village is the most unique social system that exists. In my childhood the whale men went around in the village and made sure how many there were in the household, and if guests were in the house that day, they were counted for as well.

Paul Watson or other foreigners should not have any opinion about whether or not we can do without whale meat as a source of nutrition. He must instead worry about the ocean pollution that has destroyed the quality of both whale meat and everything else living in the sea. He - and everyone else - does not need worry so much anymore. Whales are soon so filled with mercury and debris from your civilized industry that you will soon automatically get your will, when the meat is no longer suitable for human consumption. By then someone will have to find a method for destruction of stranded whales. It is pollution and other man-made disasters that destroy various animal populations and prevent the chain from functioning normally. We are aware that we therefore have to get used to new food sources imported from outside.

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