
Stacey stillar upp fyri Borgaralistan


2020-10-24 18:16 Author image
Jóanis Albert Nielsen

 Eri 37 ára gomul. ??tta úr Chilliwack, B.C., Canada. Búsitandi í Miðvágur síðan Juli 2005. Gift við René Wiberg, og hava 3 børn sum eru 6, 10 og 13 ár.

Eri vinnurekandi av einum reingerð firma, Glitra og Glansa Reingerð síðan August 2019.
Mítt hjartamál er, at øll í Vága Kommuna kunnu fáa tann besta frá kommununi. At øll skulu hava tað gott og trygd at búgva her í kommununi.
Eldri øki:
Eldri íbúðir. Eg vilja at eldri fólk hava møguleiki at hava eitt stað at búgva, tá tað er ikki eitt møguleiki at búgva heima meira, og Ellisheim er heldur ikki eitt møguleiki. At hava eitt íbúðhús, har tey hava alt sum tey hava brúk fyri. Eisini hava atgongd til sjúkrasystir, daglighjálp, og reingerð. Harumframt hava tey eisini eitt rørslu rúm, rúm til spøl og eitt kafeteria har tey kunnu eta hvørt máltíð saman. Tá eldri fólk koma saman, tað gevur teimum eitt samfelagskensla. Sum hjálpir at stríðast ímóti tunglyndi og kenslur at tey eru einsamøll.
Vit hava eitt økta tilflyting av útlendingum. Eg vilja, at vit sum eina kommuna, kunnu koma saman, og taka væl ímóti teimum, og læra tey at kenna. Eisini at geva teimum ráð tey hava brúk fyri, og greiða teimum frá hvat er til taks kommununi (td, læknar, tannlæknin, skúla, barnagarð, osv.).
??ll tilflytarar(ung og eldri), sum koma til Vága Kommuna skulu fáa atgongd til til undirvísing í føroyskum mál og mentan. Sum er beint nú, er ongin møguleiki til hetta, og eg vil broyta tað. Eg vilja hava eitt stað har foreldrini kunnu koma við børnini, og læra samstundis. Børnini eisini hava brúk fyri skipaða føroyskt málmenning í barnagarð, og skúla. Tá útlendingar læra mál og mentan, tað er nemmari hjá teimum at verða eitt stuðlandi, arbeiðsførur partur av samfelagnum.
X við Borgaralistan
X við Stacey Wiberg
Stacey Wiberg
I am 37 years old, from Chilliwack, B.C., Canada. I've been living in Miðvágur since July of 2005. I am married to René Wiberg, together we have 3 children who are 6, 10 and 13 years old.
I am the sole owner/operator of the cleaning company, Glitra og Glansa Reingerð. The company has been in operation since August of 2019.
My main focus is for all the people of Vága Kommuna to feel safe and happy in the community.
Older generation:
I believe that there is a need for apartments for the older generation in Vága Kommuna. A place so that when it's not possible for them to live at home, but they're also to well to live in Ellisheim. I want there to be the opportunity for them to be able to live in an apartment/assisted living. An apartment building with all of the normal ammenities, as well as access to: an activity room, games room/lounge and a cafeteria where they can have communal meals together everyday. They'll also have access to nurses, daily help and cleaning services. This all would help the older generation be more social, active and have a sense of community. Thus, helping combat loneliness and depression.
The community of foreigners is growing in Vága Kommuna. It's my wish that as a community, we would be able to come in contact with them, and create a dialogue. Here we would be able to offer them the resources that they need, and give them all the information on what is available to them.
All foreigners(older and younger) that come to Vága Kommuna should have access to language and culture lessons. As it is right now, there isn't any opportunity for this in Vága Kommuna, and that needs to change. A place where families can come and meet, and learn the language and culture together. Also, children that come here would also need structured teaching in schools and daycares. When foreigners learn the language and culture, it's easier for them to be a functiong and supportive member of society.
X with Borgaralistan
X with Stacey Wiberg

Vinarliga broyt tínar kennifíla - og privatlívsstillingar fyri at síggja hetta innihald
