Jørgen Niclasen, formaður fólkafloksins, hevur ynskt floksbróðrinum í konservativa flokkinum í Bretlandi, Dave Cameron, tillukku við sannførandi valinum.
- Hóast serfrøðingar og veljarakanningar mettu vinstruvongin at vinna, vóru tað konservativu virðini, sterki og borgarligi búskaparpolitikkurin, ið sigraði. Valið prógvaði einaferð enn, at veljarin vil hava sterkan borgarligan politikk, sigur Jørgen Niclasen, formaður fólkafloksins.
Fólkaflokkurin hevur seinastu árini havt tætt samstarv við konservativa flokkinum, har flokkarnir hittast javnan til fundir um støðuna í Evropa. Fólkaflokkurin er partur av konservativa felagsskapinum "Alliance for European Conservatives and Reformists," ið er ein konservativur og ES skeptiskur felagsskapur.
Endamálið við samstarvinum er at verja føroysk áhugamál, har fólkaflokkurin leggur herðslu á, at kunna og greiða evropeisku samstarvsfeløgunum frá føroyskum sjónarmiðum. Serliga føroysku fiskivinnuni, síðan ES valdi at boykotta Føroyar.
Dear mr. Cameron,
On the behalf of the People's Party of the Faroe Islands I would like to congratulate you and the conservative party on the impressive win.
Against all odds and polls, you managed to lead the conservative party to power. Nobody thought it was possible. Pundits were debating whether this was the end of the road. That it was time for a left-wing government. But you kept focused, concentrated on solid conservative values.
That is what the people want.
They believe in conservative values. They want leadership. You proved that. A strong economy. You proved that as well. They want the conservative party to lead them to a better and prosperous future. The general elections proved that. The people believe in you.
Therefore, on the behalf of the peoples party of the Faroe Islands I wish you and the conservative party success in leading the United Kingdom to a better future.
Kind regards,
Jørgen Niclasen, chairman of the People's Party
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