
Integration / Integratión


2020-11-02 22:44 Author image
Jóanis Albert Nielsen

 Føroyskt niðanfyri

Integration in the Faroe Islands is something that we all want, but never seem to achieve. Foreigners want to be accepted and be welcomed by the community, while Faroese want them to learn the language and the culture. This isn't something new, it's been going on since before I moved here 15 years ago.

In order for Vága Kommuna to be a resource for foreigners here, we need to meet the foreigners where they are. Introduce ourselves, give them the resources that they need to become active members of the community. Give them a safe space to come and be heard and receive guidance on what is available to them. This safe space would also include language lessons for young and old, as well as culture lessons.

When foreigners move here, some of them have children with them. These children are then just put into school and daycare without any language lessons beforehand. It's in my interest to have structured lessons available to children in daycare and school. These lessons will help the children become more integrated in the school/daycare community. And in turn help their parents also learn the language and culture.

Many foreigners have a higher education and skills that they can't use here. It would be in the best interest of the country to get the 'Integratiónspolitikk' up and going. Unfortunately, it seems that it's been put on the back burner. Until then, we should help the foreigners get work experience in their field of education or skills while they receive Faroese lessons. When foreigners don't get to work in their respective fields, they're not a part of the community, and not able to contribute to the best of their ability.

"Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance." - Verna Myers


Integratión í Føroyum er nakað vit øll vilja hava, men sum vit ikki tykjast at uppnáa. ??tlendingar vilja verða viðurkendir av samfelagnum, meðan føroyingar vilja hava tey at læra mál og mentan. Hetta er ikki nakað nýtt. Soleiðis hevur tað verið øll 15 árini, eg havi búð her. 

Tað hevði verið gott um Vága Kommuna kundi verið ein hjálp til útlendingar her á oynni. Vit skulu møta teimum har tey eru. Bjóða okkum fram, og geva teimum so nógvar upplýsingar sum møguligt. Vit vilja hava tey at vera virkiní samfelagnum. Vit skulu geva teimum eitt trygd stað har tey kunnu møtast, og verða hoyrd og fáa leiðbeining um, hvørjir møguleikar eru í kommununi. Hetta saman staðið skal eisini umfata undirvísing íføroyskum og føroyska mentan.

Ein partur av teimum útlendingunum, ið flyta til Føroyar, hava børn við. Børnini verða koyrd í skúla og barnagarð uttan at fáa undirvísing í føroyska málinum. Tað er eitt av mínum hjartamálum, at tað verður skipað frálæra í barnagarði og skúla, og fer hetta at hjálpa børnunum at fella til í skúla og barnagarði og í samfelagnum sum heild. Hetta fer somuleiðis at vera ein hjálp til, at foreldrini læra føroyska málið og um føroyska mentan.

Fleiri av útlendingunum hava høga útbúgving, sum tey ikki fáa brúkt her í Føroyum. Vit hava ein integratiónspolitikk, men tíverri er gongd ikki komin á enn. Ímeðan vit bíða, eiga vit at hjálpa útlendingum at fáa eitt pratikkpláss í nærumhvørvinum, samstundis sum tey fáa málundirvísing. Um útlendingar ikki kunnu arbeiða í nærumhvørvinum, hava tey ikki atgongd til samfelagið og kunnu ikki geva sítt íkast.

"Fjølbroytni er at verða boðin til veitsluna; inklusjón er at verða boðin at dansa." - Verna Mye

Vinarliga broyt tínar kennifíla - og privatlívsstillingar fyri at síggja hetta innihald
